17 April 2012

How to Stop Chewing Habit of your Dog?

If you own a dog in your house then its training is quite essential. One of the essential parts of dog training can be to prevent your dog from chewing different objects as well as household items. It is important to note that gnawing or chewing is the most common as well as instinctive behavior or the dogs. This might cause inconveniences to you as well as to other people.
During their development process, dog can try to chew your furniture, shoes as well as other item which come in their way. Some of the people have even observed the dog chewing the paws. There are several techniques as well as preventive measures available in the market which can easily help in removing the problem of dog chewing. According to a research, it has been revealed that teething is one of the major reasons for the chewing behavior of dogs.
In order to get relief from extreme pain which is cause during the teething process, the dogs can chew almost anything. Apart from this, lack of exercises and boredom are some of other reasons which can result in this destructive behavior of your dog. In addition to this, there can be some psychological reason like insecurity from other dogs or separation anxiety. If the habit of do chewing is not checked or treated on time, then it can become very destructive not only for the animal itself, but also for the surroundings. The dog can chew its own paws or limbs.
Your pet can even chew the doors as well as destroy the furniture present in your home. There are various chew toys available in the market which can prevent your expensive furniture from being damaged. Chew toys are considered good for the mental, physical and emotional development of your dog. However, there are certainly factors which should be kept in mind when shopping for the safest chew toys. These factors include safety, levels of spryness and appropriate size. A large range of these toys are available in the marketplace. Some of them are discussed in this article. These include:
  • Nylabones: Nylabones are considered to be the safe as well as tender products which are made up of odor-free nylon fibers.
  • This product is available in 2 forms i.e. edible as well as non-edible bones. Kong toys: These toys are best for the dogs that suffer from boredom and anxiety.

11 April 2012

Benefits of Using Dog Muzzles

What do you think of when you see a muzzled dog? What impression does it give? Although, the answer may differ from person to person, most people feel that if a dog is muzzled, it must definitely be a “vicious” one, but the fact is there are enormous benefits of using this tool in training, socializing, rehab and management of dogs with known and unidentified histories in diverse social situations.

In reality, a good quality muzzle can be a dog’s ticket to better life and expand the outlook of any dog owner who is trying to solve the issues associated with a fearful, untrained and under socialized dog as they work on taming the dog’s problem areas.

Some significant benefits of using dog muzzles are:
  • There are a lot of dogs that develop a habit of picking up and eating almost anything they see while outside on a walk. A muzzle keeps them away from unhygienic food outside saving them from diseases.
  • A muzzle works as boon for dogs that do not get along with other people or any other dog outside. This issue can be easily solved with safe training and behavior modification program. However, it is very important to keep your pet in control while undertaking such program.
  • For those dogs that have a habit to bark without any real reason, a muzzle can help you control your pet without scolding it.
There are a lot of dog friendly muzzles available in the market that can make your pet extremely comfortable. Apart from dog muzzles, pet products such as dog collars, cages, toys and dog leashes can be extremely beneficial for training your pet.