Cat urine odor is one of the most pungent and permeable smells and is difficult to remove. Cat urine has a very low surface tension and can penetrate relatively quickly into your carpets and your floor boards. Most of the time, the urine gets soaked up in the carpets and the floor panels and the more commonly available deodorizers does not seem to work to remove the smell. So, what is the way ahead? How to clean cat urine on carpet and make sure that the strong smell does not pervade our homes?
For this, we need to understand some basic facts. There are actually two classes of odor elimination products that can tackle pet urine smell. These two categories are the essential oil based products and the enzyme based products.
Given by what actual users have to say, the enzyme based products are neither reliable nor effective. Each bottle of the enzyme based products comes with millions of odor eating enzymes to deal with the bacteria in the cat urine causing the smell. However, no sooner the products are bottled, the enzymes start dying. The enzymes are also sensitive to extreme temperatures and do not discriminate between the things they attack. You might use such a product and end up damaging your carpet permanently.
You can use new generation odor removal products containing essential oils, the natural ingredients of which break down the odor molecules and permanently destroy their ability to generate the offensive smell. Essential oil based products are fast acting, effective, reliable, and can be used in different temperature settings with equal efficacy. These products are also nontoxic, safe, and economical to use. You can measure and mix the product with water and create your own unique cleaning solutions.