31 July 2013

Remove dog urine smell from car and spend some fun times with your pet

Dog owners consider their pets an integral part of their family. They play, eat, sleep and share some of the best moments of their lives with their trustedfurry companion. So, when the family goes out for a day of fun, it is quite natural that they would take their dog along in the car. However, what happens when your dog loses control of its bladder and even after repeated attempts you are not able to get rid of the urine smell? You can definitely buy a new car air freshener, but this option seldom works to remove dog urine smell from car.  

 How to tackle the problem?  

There are some companies working towards creating a solution for this commonly found issue. The best among them have been carrying on extensive researches and the results of the efforts are evident in the form of odor removal products that are effective, safe, and also highly economical.

You can try using essential oil based deodorizers available in the market. These deodorizers work at the molecular level and uproot the problem from the core. The best odor elimination products are fast acting and do not contain enzymes. Here, it is worth mentioning that enzyme based dog pee deodorizers often fail to work as claimed by their manufacturers. That’s because the enzymes which are theoretically capable of acting on the odors starts to die off as soon as the package is opened.

So, the next time your dog creates a mess in your car, make sure you do not ruin your day worrying about the ramifications of this unforeseen event. You can always use an essential oil based odor removal product to remove dog urine smell from car. Make sure that the product you buy is powerful, non-toxic, and safe to use.